We have a team of highly qualified and experienced specialists who specialize in performing an array of regenerative, wellness, and aesthetic procedures.
07 Different Nationalities
22 Languages spoken
14 Type of treatments
15 Years of Experience
Our Specialists
Dr. Jaffer Khan
Plastic surgeon Founder & Executive Chairman
Dr. Ali Vahdani
Specialist Psychiatrist
Dr. Salman Gilani
Medical Affairs Director
Ahmed Baraka
Head of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation
Dr. Imane Farhat
Naturopathic Specialist
Dr. Francisco de Melo
Specialist Plastic Surgeon
Dr. Mazen Al Samarrae
General Surgeon
Dr. Basanta Khatry-Chhetry
General Practitioner
Dr. Alla Zaentc
General Practitioner
Dr. Lica Ecaterina
Clinical Dermatologist
Zeina Soueidan
Sumaia Alkhub
Dr. Massimo Piracci
Regenerative Sports Medicine Specialist & Orthopedic Surgeon