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What are Jawline Fillers?

Jawline fillers generally contain hyaluronic acid (HA), a naturally occurring substance found in the human body, serving the purpose of hydrating the skin. When administered into the jawline, these fillers add plumpness to the skin, redefine a weak or recessed jawline, and create a more sculpted appearance.

It is a non-surgical procedure that doesn’t take a lot of time. The results last longer and the best part? They can be customized to every patient’s individual requirements. At AEON, which makes us the best choice for jawline filler in Dubai. Our medical experts and aestheticians adhere to the highest standards of safety and hygiene protocols. Book your appointment now!

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jawline fillers

Benefits of Jawline Fillers

Jawline fillers offer a wide range of benefits. These include:
  • Do not require surgery
  • A quick treatment with lasting results
  • Add definition to the jawline
  • Results in a more youthful appearance
  • Immediate, natural-looking results
  • Painless procedure

The AEON Approach

At AEON, we pride ourselves in providing cutting edge regenerative treatments that have been developed by medical experts through decades of research and development in the field.










Jawline fillers are strategically administered along the treatment area (jawline) to add volume and definition. The content provides support and contouring to the jawline.

Yes, jawline fillers are generally safe when administered by qualified professionals. The fillers used are FDA-approved and have been used in cosmetic procedures for many years.

The duration of jawline filler results varies depending on the type of filler used and individual factors. Typically, results can last anywhere from six months to over a year.

The medical specialist applies a numbing cream to make the procedure painless and comfortable for the patient.

There is no downtime after getting jawline filler. In fact, the recovery period is quite minimal. However, some people experience mild redness, bruising, and swelling on the treatment site. But, these issues subside within a few days.

Many people get jawline filler in Dubai as the results look quite natural. This, however, depends on the expertise of the practitioner and the method they use.

The jawline filler procedure typically takes around 30 minutes to an hour.

Our Specialists

Dr. Lica Ecaterina

Dr. Lica Ecaterina

Clinical Dermatologist
Dr. Francisco de Melo

Dr. Francisco de Melo

Specialist Plastic Surgeon
Dr. Jaffer Khan

Dr. Jaffer Khan

Plastic surgeon
Founder & Executive Chairman
Dr. Mazen Al Samarrae

Dr. Mazen Al Samarrae

General Surgeon
+971 4 518 5777