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What are Cheek Fillers?

Cheek fillers are designed to enhance and restore volume to the midface area. These fillers typically contain hyaluronic acid, a substance naturally found in the body that helps to plump and hydrate the skin. The treatment effectively is tailored to address sunken or flat cheeks and results in a lifted and more youthful contour.

At AEON Clinic, we understand the significance of youthful and well-defined cheeks in enhancing your facial aesthetics. Therefore, we offer a safe and effective solution in the form of high-quality cheek filler in Dubai for natural-looking results. Through this treatment, we aim to restore lost volume in the cheek area and help our patients achieve sculpted cheekbones. Book your appointment now!


Benefits of Cheek Fillers

Cheek fillers offer a variety of benefits for those seeking to enhance their facial aesthetics and restore youthful contours. Take a look at some of them:
  • A quick & effective treatment
  • Non-surgical
  • Restores lost volume
  • Defines and lifts cheekbones
  • Rejuvenates facial appearance
  • Improves facial balance
  • Customizable & immediate results

The AEON Approach

At AEON, we pride ourselves in providing cutting edge regenerative treatments that have been developed by medical experts through decades of research and development in the field.










The results of cheek fillers last somewhere between six and twelve months, depending on various factors.

Yes, cheek fillers are FDA-approved. Therefore, they are considered safe to be administered.

It depends on the amount of filler used and the technique used by the applicator. However, in most cases, cheek fillers result in natural-looking results.

Getting cheek fillers in Dubai is not expensive anymore. However, the actual cost depends on many factors, such as the experience of the doctor, clinic, type of fillers used, etc. You can ask the doctor about the cost during the initial consultation session.

No, the treatment is not painful. The patient, however, may feel slight discomfort during the procedure. Some doctors also use topical anesthesia to numb the area before the treatment.

Our Specialists

+971 4 518 5777